Friday, February 22, 2008

II. Meaning Chaser

The invocation is intended to transition you into the worship experience

Welcome to todays service


The Sermon is entitled:
Meaning Chaser

The Responsive Reading is entitled: Meaning Maker
It has been enhanced so that you can read along
Or feel free to just watch and enjoy

Todays Hymn is Blessed Spirit of My Life
#86 in Singing the Living Tradition
It has been lyrically enhanced to make it easier for you to sing along

The benediction is intended to transition you out of the worship experience and back into your everyday life

Click Here to Ask the Rev

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Special thanks to:
First UUSF, choir, music director, organist, sound engineer

Now that the service has come to an end, please introduce yourself at the Universal Sanctuary Coffee Hour by clicking here. You will find a very simple message board, why not give it a try? You can also find a place to leave joys and concerns, ask for prayers or thoughts, leave comments on this site and anything else you can think of to create, so what are you waiting for, this coffee hour is always open!

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